Perbedaan Efikasi Diri Anak Jalanan Ditinjau Dari Status Anak Jalanan Di Surabaya






 Efikasi diri merupakan pertimbangan subjektif terhadap kemampuannya untuk menyusun tindakan yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Anak jalanan hidup di jalanan bukan hanya untuk bermain namun juga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji perbedaan efikasi diri anak jalanan ditinjau dari status anak jalanan di Surabaya. Perbedaan efikasi diri berdasarkan tiga status latar belakang anak  jalanan yaitu children on the street, children of the street, children from families of the street. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Uji Anava Satu Jalur dengan bantuan program komputer SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) versi 17.0 for Windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan efikasi diri anak jalanan ditinjau dari status anak jalanan (p= 0,021). Perbedaan nilai efikasi diri antar status anak jalanan dapat diketahui yaitu children on the street sebesar 107,80, pada kelompok children of the street sebesar 98,40, dan children from families of the street sebesar 115,20. Nilai yang dihasilkan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dari kategori status anak jalanan children from families of the street memiliki nilai efikasi diri yang paling tinggi dibanding dengan chidren on the street, dan children of the street.

Kata Kunci : Perbedaan, efikasi diri, anak jalanan



Self efficacy is a people belief about their abilities to arrange action that need to solve problems. The street children who live on the street is not simply for playing but also to fulfil their economy needs. This study is aimed to examine street children’s self-efficacy differentiation based on the street children’s status in Surabaya. The self-efficacy differentiation viewed from the street children’s status is divided into three; they are children on the street, children of the street and children from families of the street. The data analysis technique used in this study is One Way Anova Experiment helped with computer program SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solution) version 17.0 for Windows. The result shows that there is street children’s self-efficacy differentiation based on the street children’s status (p=0.021). Furthermore, the self-efficacy differentiation’s value of each street children’s status categories is that children on the street’s value is 107,80, children of the street’s value is 98,40, while children from families of the street’s value is 115,20. This value indicates that based on the street children’s status, children from families of the street has the highest self-efficacy value than the other categories (children on the street’s and children of the street’s value).

Keywords: differentiation, self-efficacy, street children. 


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How to Cite

WALISTIANI, G. (2015). Perbedaan Efikasi Diri Anak Jalanan Ditinjau Dari Status Anak Jalanan Di Surabaya. Character Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi, 3(2).
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