Advertising Policy

Guidelines for Advertising in Journal Information Technology & Education (IT-EDU)

Journal Information Technology & Education (IT-EDU) maintains a strict policy regarding the acceptance of advertisements to ensure that our content remains credible, unbiased, and focused on scholarly research. We accept advertisements that are relevant to our readership and aligned with the academic mission of the journal. The following guidelines outline our advertising policy:

1. Acceptable Advertisements

Advertisements should be relevant to the fields of informatics, information systems, computer science, digital business, and related areas. We do not accept advertisements that are misleading, inappropriate, or unrelated to the scope of the journal.

2. Editorial Independence

All advertisements are subject to review by the editorial board to ensure that they meet our standards. The acceptance of an advertisement does not imply endorsement by the journal, and editorial decisions are made independently of any advertising considerations.

3. Placement and Frequency

Advertisements may be placed on the journal’s website, in email newsletters, or within digital issues of the journal. The placement and frequency of advertisements are determined by the editorial team and are intended to minimize disruption to the reader’s experience.

4. Prohibited Content

We do not accept advertisements that promote illegal activities, discrimination, or content that could harm the reputation of the journal or its publisher. All advertisements must comply with applicable laws and regulations.

5. Transparency and Disclosure

All advertisements must be clearly distinguishable from editorial content. Advertisers must disclose any conflicts of interest, and sponsored content must be labeled as such to maintain transparency with our readers.

If you are interested in advertising with JTIDI or have any questions about our advertising policy, please contact us at