Peer-Review Process

Understanding the Peer-Review Process

The peer-review process is an essential part of ensuring the quality and integrity of scholarly research. Our journal follows a rigorous double-blind peer-review process to maintain the highest standards of academic publishing.

Once a manuscript is submitted, it undergoes an initial evaluation by the editor to ensure it meets the journal's standards and fits within the scope of the publication. If the manuscript passes this initial check, it is then sent to two or more independent reviewers who are experts in the field. These reviewers evaluate the manuscript's methodology, accuracy, originality, and contribution to the field.

Reviewers provide detailed feedback and recommend one of the following outcomes:

  • Accept the manuscript without revisions.
  • Accept the manuscript with minor revisions.
  • Request major revisions and re-evaluate.
  • Reject the manuscript.

The editor then makes the final decision based on the reviewers' feedback. Authors are notified of the decision, and if revisions are required, they are given a specific timeframe to resubmit their revised manuscript.

We are committed to a fair and timely review process and aim to provide authors with constructive feedback to help improve their work.