Can Keyboarding Skills Improve Student Performance and Engagement?

  • Mar'atus Sholikah Politeknik Balekambang Jepara
  • Ahmad Mubais Politeknik Balekambang Jepara
  • Indra Kurniawan Politeknik Balekambang Jepara
  • Anis Susanti Universitas Negeri Semarang
Keywords: Keyboarding skills, student performance, student engagement


Lecturers must strive for innovative and engaging learning so that students can feel involved in every learning process. Therefore, the student’s academic performance improved. This study tested the effectiveness of the blind system method assisted by 10-fast fingers learning media in improving students' performance and engagement. This study used a treatment-by-level design (T-LD). Seventy-three respondents were undergraduate students of business administration at Politeknik Balekambang Jepara. The data were collected through practicum tests and questionnaires. An independent sample test was used for data analysis. This study finds that 10-fast fingers learning media can improve students' cognitive and psychomotor performance. Thus, this medium is effective as a keyboard learning medium for improving student performance. The findings also found that 10-fast fingers media were able to increase student involvement in learning process activities. Therefore, this study concludes that the use of 10fastfingers media can improve academic performance and student engagement.

How to Cite
Sholikah, M., Mubais, A., Kurniawan, I., & Susanti, A. (2023). Can Keyboarding Skills Improve Student Performance and Engagement?. Journal of Office Administration : Education and Practice, 3(3), 190-203.
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