Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): May
Validity of Lectora Inspire-Based Interactive Learning Media Integrated with Camtasia Studio
Abstract views: 71 , PDF downloads: 65 -
Influence of Habit on Learning Value of ManageBac Usage in Singapore School Kelapa Gading
Abstract views: 134 , PDF downloads: 98 -
A Comparative Study of Ethics and Communication Patterns in Online and Face-to-face Learning
Abstract views: 54 , PDF downloads: 68 -
Enhancing Village Empowerment: Strategic Analysis of Using the Siskeudes Application in Bungah Village
Abstract views: 88 , PDF downloads: 61 -
Analysis of Public Services to Improve Service Excellence in Bugoharjo Village
Abstract views: 90 , PDF downloads: 63 -
Developing Assessment of Fifth Element Based on Merdeka Curriculum with Quizizz for Vocational High School of Office Management and Business Services
Abstract views: 123 , PDF downloads: 126