Survey Tingkat Status Gizi Pada Siswa Kelas I (Satu) Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Se-Kecamatan Cerme Kabupaten Gresik




Gizi termasuk salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan sumber daya manusia. Dimana gizi erat kaitannya dengan perkembangan, kecerdasan, kesehatan, ketrampilan dan pertumbuhan anak. Status gizi merupakan suatu kondisi tubuh sebagai dampak dari makanan dan zat gizi yang dikonsumsi. Anak – anak sekolah dasar merupakan salah satu kelompok yang rawan mengalami gizi kurang diantara penyebabnya ialah tingkat ekonomi yang rendah dan asupan makanan yang kurang seimbang serta rendahnya pengetahuan orang tua. Penelitian ini terfokus untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat status gizi siswa kelas I (satu) madrasah ibtidaiyah (MI) se – Kecamatan Cerme Kabupaten Gresik. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kelas I madrasah ibtidaiyah (MI) se – Kecamatan Cerme Kabupaten Gresik. Dari analisis data yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: 1). Gambaran tingkat status gizi siswa putra sekolah MI di kecamatan Cerme kabupaten Gresik dari 124 siswa putra yang berstatus gizi normal sebanyak 79 siswa (69%), gemuk sebanyak 15 siswa (12%), kurang sebanyak 9 siswa (7%), dan obesitas sebanyak 21 siswa (17%). 2). Gambaran tingkat status gizi siswa putri sekolah MI di kecamatan Cerme kabupaten Gresik dari 119 siswa putri yang berstatus gizi normal sebanyak 89 siswa (75%), gemuk sebanyak 15 siswa (16%), kurang sebanyak 5 siswa (4%), obesitas sebanyak 9 siswa (7%) dan sangat kurang sebanyak 1 siswa(1%). 3). Gambaran tingkat status gizi seluruh siswa sekolah MI di kecamatan Cerme kabupaten Gresik dari 243 siswa putra dan putri yang berstatus gizi sangat kurang sebanyak 1 siswa (0,4%), kurang sebanyak 14 siswa (6%) normal sebanyak 168 siswa (69%), gemuk sebanyak 30 siswa (12%) dan obesitas sebanyak 30 siswa (12%). Jadi kondisi status gizi siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kecamatan Cerme rata-rata normal.

Kata kunci: Gizi, status gizi dan siswa madrasah ibtidaiyah.


Nutrition is one of the factors affecting the increase in human resources where the nutritional benefits closely related to the development of intelligence, health, skills and growth of children. Nutritional status is a condition of the body as the impact of food and nutrients consumed. Elementary school children is one of the vulnerable groups suffering from undernourishment among the causes is the low economic level and less balanced food intake and lack of knowledge of parents. The study focused on knowing the level of nutritional status of both the male and female students, and knowing the description of the overall nutritional status of students in Madrasah ibtidaiyah in Cerme sub-district of Gresik regency. The method used is quantitative descriptive approach. From the data analysis has been done the results are as follows: 1). Description of the nutritional status of male MI students in Cerme Sub-district of Gresik District regency 79 of 124 male students with the status of normal nutrition (69%), 15 students considered as fat (12%), 9 students considered as less (7%), and 21 students considered as obesity (17%). 2). The description of the nutritional status of female MI student in the district Cerme Gresik 89 of 119 female students nutritional status is normal (75%), 15 students considered as fat (16%), 5 students considered as less (4%), 9 students considered as obesity (7%) and 1 students considered as much less (1%). 3). The description of nutritional status of all MI school students in Cerme sub-district of Gresik district of 243 nutritionally male and female students is less than 1 student (0.4%), 14 students considered as less (6%) 168 students considered as normal (69%), 30 students considered as fat (12%) and 30 students considered as obese (12%). So the condition of nutritional status of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students of Cerme sub-district is normal.

Keywords: nutrition, nutritional status, and madrasah students.
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