• Vidi Dwi Amena Resi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Dony Andrijanto Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Kebugaran jasmani merupakan kesanggupan seseorang dalam melakukan aktivitas fisik tanpa merasakan lelah yang berkepanjangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kebugaran jasmani siswa kelas XII IPS 3 SMAN 1 Menganti. Metode yang digunakan yaitu jenis  kuantitatif dimana peneliti meneliti kebugaran jasmani siswa kelas XII IPS 3 selama masa pandemi. Populasi yang diambil dalam penelitian yaitu siswa kelas XII IPS 3 sejumlah 36 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data ini menggunakan tes MFT (multistage fitness test) dengan membagikan lembar tes pada siswa dan menggunakan teknik analisis berupa deskriptif dengan menguraikan hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan siswa putri termasuk dalam kategori norma kurang dan siswa putra menunjukkan ke dalam kategori norma kurang sekali. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah diuraikan pada bab terdahulu disimpulkan bahwa kebugaran jasmani siswa kelas XII IPS 3 memiliki nilai keseluruhan rata – rata 31,058 menit dan nilai terendah 26,8 menit termasuk kategori kurang, serta nilai tertinggi 51 menit termasuk kategori sedang. Mayoritas kebugaran jasmani siswa putri dikatakan kurang, karena masing-masing siswa memiliki nilai kurang sehingga nilai rata-rata yang didapat siswa putri termasuk kategori kurang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang penulis lakukan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa nilai rata-rata kebugaran jasmani siswa putri lebih rendah daripada nilai rata-rata kebugaran jasmani siswa putra. Hal ini dikarenakan siswa putri kurang bisa menerapkan pola hidup sehat seperti olahraga.

Kata Kunci: kebugaran jasmani; pendidikan; covid-19


Physical fitness is a person's ability to carry out physical activities without feeling tired. This study aims to determine the physical fitness of the XII IPS 3 class students of SMAN 1 Menganti. The method used was quantitative, where the researcher examined the physical fitness of students in class XIl IPS 3 during the pandemic. The population taken in this study was all 36 students of class XII IPS 3. This data collection technique used the MFT test (multistage fitness test) by distributing test sheets to students and using descriptive analysis techniques by outlining research results which show that female students were included in the category of fewer norms and male students indicated that they were in the variety of significantly fewer norms. Based on the results of the research that has been described in the previous chapter, it was concluded that the average overall score of the physical fitness of class XII IPS 3 students was 31.058 minutes, and the lowest score was 26.8 minutes which was categorized as inferior, and the highest score was 51 minutes which classified as medium. The majority of female students' physical fitness was low because each student had a low score which made the average score of female students in the low category. Based on the research result that the author did, it can be concluded that the average value of physical fitness of female students is lower than that of male students. Female students cannot apply healthy lifestyles such as sports.                   

Keywords: physical fitness; education; covid-19

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