Flouting Maxims in Conversational Implicature in The Ellen Degeneres Talk Show




Secara teori di dalam percakapan setiap orang harus mematuhi prinsip kerjasama.Hal itu harus dilaksanakan agar penutur dan tindak tutur memahami maksud dari percakapan tersebut. Menurut  Grice (1975), buatlah kontribusi percakapanan sesuai dengan yang diperlukan pada tahap terjadinya kontribusi itu, berdasarkan tujuan atau arah yang  diterima dalam pertukaran percakapan yang anda lakukan. Pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif di gunakan oleh penulis untuk menjawab masalah yang ada di data. Subjek penelitian ini adalah percakapan yang ada di Ellen DeGeneres talk show. Penulis tertarik untuk membahas tipe implikatur percakapan, pelanggaran maksim dan tujuan dari pelanggaran maksim tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa deskripsi wujud dan tujuan penyimpangan prinsip kerjasama dalam acara Ellen Degeneres  show. Tipe implikatur yang diperoleh meliputi tipe Implikatur standart dan tipe implikatur khusus.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semua jenis maksim dilanggar oleh peserta. Dari analisa yang telah dilakukan, penulis menemukan hanya ada dua maksim yang di langgar di tipe implikatur standar yaitu maksim kualitas dan maksim kuantitas dan hanya ada dua maksim hyang dilanggar di tipe implikatur khusus yaitu maksim relasi dan maksim cara. Berdasarkan hasil dari data tersebut terdapat empat fungsi yaitu bertujuan untuk mengalihkan, memberikan informasi, memberikan penjelasan dan manghibur. Alasan terbanyak dari pelanggaran maksim adalah bertujuan untuk memberi penjelasan agar menghindari kesalahpahaman dan penonton mendapat penjelasan yang jelas adalah efek yang paling dominan. 

Kata Kunci :Implikatur, PrinsipKerjasama, Maksim, Fungsi, Talk Show


Theoretically, there is one principle that must be taken into account when people have a conversation. It is so to ensure that the speakers and the speech acts can be comprehended well. Grice (1975) suggested that people make a speech contribution which is related to the stage of occurrence of that contribution based on the objectives of the conversation. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research to answer the formulated research questions. The research subjects are the conversations of Ellen DeGeneres Talk Show. The researcher is interested in discussing the type conversational implicatures, the flouting of maxims, and the function of the flouting. The results of this research show are in the forms of description of the embodiment and the objectives of the flouting of cooperative principles in Ellen DeGeneres Show. There are two types of implicatures found; they are Generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. The results show that every type of maxim is violated by the participants. Based on the analysis, the researcher found that there are only two maxims which are flouted in Generalized conversational implicature those are Quantity and Quality and there are only two maxims which are flouted in Particularized conversational implicature those are maxim relevance and maxim manner. Based on the data, it can be stated that there are four functions of flouting the maxim; they are changing the subject, giving information, explaning and entertaining. The major cause of the flouting of maxim is to provide explanation in order to avoid misunderstanding; the most dominant effect is that the audience should get an obvious explanation.

Key words: Implicatures, Cooperative Principle, Maxim, Functions, Talk Show

How to Cite
MONICA LESTARI, Y. (2016). Flouting Maxims in Conversational Implicature in The Ellen Degeneres Talk Show. LANGUAGE HORIZON, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.26740/lh.v4n1.p%p
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