Declarative Utterances in “Four Freedoms” Speech by Franklin Delano Roosevelt




Berpidato adalah sebuah kegiatan yang umum dilakukan di bidang politik. Dalam pidato-pidato yang disampaikan, para politisi biasanya menyampaikan beberapa maksud tertentu yang ingin mereka katakan kepada masyarakat. Maksud-maksud tertentu tersebut terkadang tidak disampaikan secara langsung. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Presiden Amerika Serikat ke-32, merupakan salah satu politisi yang memiliki maksud-maksud tertentu dalam pidatonya. Salah satu pidatonya yang terkenal adalah “Four Freedoms” atau “Empat Kebebasan” yang  disampaikannya pada awal tahun 1941. Dalam penelitian ini, teori tindak tutur digunakan untuk meneliti pidato tersebut. Obyek yang menjadi fokus utama dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan tindak tutur dalam pidato “Four Freedoms”. Naskah dan berkas audio dari pidato ini diambil dari internet melalui aplikasi Android yang diunduh dari Google Apps. Metode kualitatif deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Franklin D. Roosevelt beberapa kali menggunakan tindak representatif dan direktif dalam pidato “Four Freedoms”.Tindak representatif dan direktif digunakan Roosevelt untuk menjelaskan dan mengarahkan rakyat Amerika Serikat untuk menyadari pentingnya keamanan nasional.


Kata Kunci: tindak tutur, tindak representatif, tindak direktif.



Delivering speech is a common activity in politics. In the speeches that they deliver, politicians usually have a number of intended meanings that they want to tell to the people. The intended meaning that they performed sometime were not stated directly. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States of America, is one of the politicians that have intended meaning in his sentences. The well-known speech that he had ever delivered is “Four Freedoms” speech that is delivered in the beginning of 1941. In this study, the speech acts theory is used to analyze this speech. The object that becomes the main focus of this study is the use of speech acts in the “Four Freedoms” speech. The script and the audio file of the speech that become the instrument of this study were retrieved from the internet via Android application that was downloaded from Google Apps. The descriptive qualitative method is used in this study. The result of this study is that Franklin D. Roosevelt often used representative and directive acts in the “Four Freedoms” speech. The representative and directive acts were used by Roosevelt in giving explanations and to direct the people of the United States of America to realize the important of national security.


Keywords: speech acts, representative acts, directive acts.  

How to Cite
SELIAWAN FAUZI, N. (2016). Declarative Utterances in “Four Freedoms” Speech by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. LANGUAGE HORIZON, 4(3).
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