Speech Act Classification in Donald Trump’s Policy-Campaign of The Upcoming Presidential Election Usa 2017




Penelitian ini membahas mengenai klasifikasi tindak tutur pada kampanye kebijakan Donald Trump pada pemilihan presiden Amerika Serikat 2017. Disinyalir Donald Trump menghimpun kekuatan dan pidatonya mengandung rasisme. Namun di sisi lain, pidatonya dapat mempengaruhi orang lain. Penelitian ini akan terfokus pada dua rumusan masalah; (1) Apa saja klasifikasi tindak tutur yang muncul dalam kampanye Donald Trump? dan (2) Bagaimana Donald Trump membangun kampanyenya dengan menuturkan kata-kata rasis? Maka dari itu, untuk menyelesaikan penelitian ini, metode deskriptif kualitatif diterapkan dengan menggunakan metode observasi tidak langsung, dikarenakan objek media yang digunakan adalah video. Penelitian ini menerapkan teori analisis wacana kritis dikombinasikan dengan pragmatik dalam menganalisa data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Donald Trump lebih sering menggunakan tindak tutur deklaratif dan direktif untuk menekankan kekuatannya dalam kampanye. Selain itu, kampanyenya juga memiliki kecenderungan rasisme.

Kata kunci: kampanye, Donald Trump, rasisme



This study is about the speech act classification in Donald Trump’s policy-campaign of the upcoming presidential election USA 2017. It is found that Donald trump is gaining power, and his speech includes racism. But on the other hand, his speech might influence other people. The center of this study is focusing on two problems; (1) What are the speech acts classification appeared in Donald Trump’s campaign? and (2) How did he build his campaign by showing remarks of racism? To finish this study, the method applied was descriptive qualitative using observation non-participatory technique since it is a video. In this study, the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis and pragmatics point of view were applied to analyse the data. The finding showed that declarative and directive as the speech act classification were mostly used by Donald Trump to emphasize his power. Besides those utterances, there were also remarks of speech that showed Donald Trump had tendency in racism.


Keywords: campaign, Donald Trump, racism

How to Cite
SURYANI AYU F., A. (2017). Speech Act Classification in Donald Trump’s Policy-Campaign of The Upcoming Presidential Election Usa 2017. LANGUAGE HORIZON, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.26740/lh.v5n1.p%p
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