Turn Taking Strategies By EQWIP HUBs Community

  • admin2 jlh Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Auzy Andria Umar
  • Auzy Andria Umar
Keywords: Turn taking , Conversation analysis , discourse analysis


This study discusses the turn-taking strategies in conversations. . The purpose of turn-taking is to analyze the way the participants and the speakers deliver their argument into the conversation using turn-taking strategies. This study uses qualitative research. The source of the data is the transcription of the participants’ dialogue during their discussion. This study uses the turn-taking strategies which is used by the participants and to analyze the reasons behind the conversation. the main issues in this research are; What turn-taking strategies are used by the participants in the Eqwib Hubs community? And  Why do the participants use those turn-taking strategies? the results of this study showed the interaction of the use of "turn-taking" which is dominated by participants who feel curious about the conversation and also become aware of what strategies are most often used by the participant and the speaker.


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How to Cite
jlh admin2, Umar, A., & Umar, A. (2021). Turn Taking Strategies By EQWIP HUBs Community. LANGUAGE HORIZON, 9(2), 85-90. https://doi.org/10.26740/lh.v9n2.p85-90
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