The Translation of Wordplay in The Amazing World of Gumball Cartoon Series

  • Nikita Prihatini Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: cartoon, translation strategies, types of wordplay, wordplay


Revealing humorous effects played in translated wordplay is the objective of this study. Translating wordplay has always been a challenge for many translators. The Amazing World of Gumball is a cartoon series which has wordplay as its major recurrent punchlines. The purposes of the study are to identify the types of wordplay and to analyze the translation strategies employed by the translator in translating the wordplay found in The Amazing World of Gumball into the Indonesian language based on Schröter's classification of wordplay and translation strategies of wordplay proposed by Delabastita as the main theoretical frameworks. This study applies a descriptive-qualitative method with observation as the main technique. The data used in this research are the utterances that contain wordplay in the form of words, phrases, clauses and sentences taken from English dubbed videos of The Amazing World of Gumball and the Indonesian dubbing version. The findings of the study reveal that there are three types found in the series which consist Homonymy, Paronymy and Polysemy. The result also shows out of the six strategies proposed, four wordplay translation strategies are used by the translator. They are Wordplay to Wordplay, Wordplay to Non-wordplay, Wordplay to Zero and ST Wordplay=TT Wordplay.

How to Cite
Prihatini, N. (2022). The Translation of Wordplay in The Amazing World of Gumball Cartoon Series. LANGUAGE HORIZON, 10(3), 42-47.
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