In this era of globalization, the world of education today is growing, various kinds of reforms carried out in order to improve the quality and quantity of education. To improve the quality of education needed a breakthrough both in the development of curriculum, learning innovation and fulfillment of educational facilities and infrastructure. To enhance the learning process, the learning should be more innovative in order to encourage students can learn optimally both in the self-learning and learning in the classroom. Education has an important role to improve the quality of human resources.
One of the learning model that can be used for learning more varied in learning to speak German is the use of audio-visual media such as video lessons learned from sources youtube so attractive to students. Youtube is one of the sources of learning from the internet which are often accessed by students.
By using youtube in this study, students are expected to listen to the pronunciation is good and right so that students feel happy and do not feel tired or bored with the monotony of learning models, less varied and less interesting. The use of video media is a new innovation in the development of science and technology. Based on this, the formulation of the problem in this study is: How is the result of learning to speak German language class XI student of SMAN 13 Surabaya by using video media?.
This research is a quantitative research study subjects 22 students class XI student of SMA 13 Surabaya so that class acquired student learning outcomes in the form of the average scores of students. Quantitative methods in this study aims to determine student learning outcomes by using videos with the theme of daily life - day and subtheme Eating and Drinking.
Pre research results - test showed that only 40,90 % of the number of students who have met the KKM (Complete Minimal Criteria) of 13 students who have completed the first meeting (Pre - test). It can be seen from the values obtained by the student. Of the 22 students of class XI English, 9 students have completed grades reached KKM and 13 students are still unresolved predetermined KKM school for German subjects, namely 75. While the average - average grade on the results of pre - test that is equal to 63,63 which considered normal. The results of these tests indicate that the skills speak German language class XI students quite well. But in general, most students are errors on the accuracy of the sentence that was created and pronunciation still stumbling - a brick because of a lack of vocabulary in German. There was also a pronunciation error when executed Pre - test but still quite good and understandable pronunciation.
In Post - test data obtained as follows: all 22 students had a complete value KKM. The 9 students have completed the above value KKM, 13 students have completed grades reached KKM. Students who have reached KKM as many as 22 students or equal to 100% of the number of students with average - average grade on the results of the Post - test at 85,22 which is categorized as very high. Results Post - test shows that the German speaking skills class XI student of English is good enough. Students can construct a sentence properly and pronunciation has improved.
Based on these results, it can be said that the learning model with the use of video media can be used as an alternative in learning German as a variety of exercises on speaking skills in order to better learning outcomes and students actively participate in learning.
Keywords: Results of learning, Speaking skills, Video media.