Language proficiency is a skill the sound to pronounce pronunciation or Wörten or transmit the thinking, the idea and the feeling. In German class at SMAN 13 Surabaya the class XI science 4 has several problems is invented namely ; Students are still ashamed and afraid to speak wrong . Therefore Roda Keberuntungan is selected game to make the learning process matter easier and more fun.
The research problem is: how the application of Roda Keberuntungan game in German language speaking skills of students in class XI Science 4 SMAN 13. Whereas, the purpose of this study is to describe the application of speaking skills of students in class XI Science 4 SMAN 13 Surabaya with the application of Roda Keberuntungan game.
This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Taken data from the study Become observation of the student.The results showed the activity of the students of class XI IPA 4 SMAN 13 Surabaya in learning German language speaking skills have increased.
Keywords: Roda Keberuntungan game, speaking skills