
Perjanjian Jaminan Fidusia erat kaitannya dengan perjanjian kredit.  Banyak permasalahan yang timbul dari perjanjian kredit dengan jaminan fidusia, terutama permasalahan debitor wanprestasi seperti yang terjadi pada PT.BENTARA SINERGIES MULTIFINANCE (selanjutnya disebut kreditor). Debitor menggadaikan obyek jaminan fidusia kepada pihak ketiga tanpa sepengetahuan pihak kreditor serta debitor tidak membayar angsuran hutang. Kreditor yang merasa dirugikan selanjutnya melakukan upaya hukum dengan mengajukan gugatan ke Pengadilan Negeri Gresik. Namun, para pihak sepakat melakukan mediasi dan selanjutnya kesepakatan tersebut ditulis dalam sebuah Akta Perdamaian. Kekuatan hukum Akta Perdamaian sama dengan putusan hakim yang berkekuatan hukum tetap, namun perlu dilakukan peninjauan hukum terhadap Akta Perdamaian dalam penyelesaian sengketa jaminan fidusia yang obyeknya tidak ada pada debitor agar tidak kembali terjadinya wanprestasi. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah ntuk mengetahui kekuatan Akta Perdamaian dalam melindungi kepentingan kreditor serta untuk memahami bagaimana upaya pelaksanaan eksekusi atas Akta Perdamaian apabila obyek jaminan fidusia tidak ada. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian normatif, mengkaji Perjanjian Jaminan Fidusia, Akta Perdamaian serta peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku kemudian dihubungkan dengan permasalahan. Bahan hukum yang dibutuhkan adalah bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konsep dan pendekatan kasus. Teknik pengolahan bahan hukum dalam penelitian normatif dilakukan dengan teori preskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Akta Perdamaian berkekuatan hukum tetap serta tidak dapat dilakukan pembatalan, memiliki kelemahan dilihat dari jangka panjang pemenuhan prestasinya karena Akta Perdamaian disepakati sebelum pemeriksaan perkara sehingga kreditor tidak dapat mengukur kemampuan keuangan debitor untuk melaksanakan prestasinya. Meskipun obyek jaminan fidusia sudah tidak ada, namun hal tersebut tidak mengurangi kewajiban debitor dalam melakukan prestasinya. Kreditor dapat melakukan sita jaminan terhadap harta debitor sebagai jaminan agar debitor melaksanakan prestasinya dan mencegah debitor  wanprestasi kembali.


Kata Kunci      : Jaminan Fidusia, Mediasi, Akta Perdamaian.            


a permanent legal force and it cannot be cancelled, and the weakness can be seen in a long term since Pax Agreement is agreed before the case checking. Therefore, creditor cannot measure debitor’s financial ability to do the accomplishment. However the object of fiduciary warranty is not available, but it does not reduce the debitor’s obligation to do the accomplishment. Creditor can do sequestration towards debitor’s asset as a guarantee for debitor to do the accomplishment and to avoid the debitor to do default.


Keywords         : Fiduciary Warantee, Mediation, Pax Agreement.



Fiduciary Warranty Agreement has a close relation with credits agreement. Many problems were created from credit agreement with fiduciary warranty, especially default debitor problems such as what is happened on PT. Bentara Sinergies Multifinance (which then said as creditor). The debitor mortgages a fiduciary warranty object to a third party without being acknowledged by the creditor, and the debitor does not pay the installment payment. The creditor who is disadvantaged then did a legal effort by filed it to District Court of Gresik, yet , the both parties has agreed to do a mediation which then written on an Pax Agreement. The legal power of Pax Agremeent is equal with the judge’s decision with a permanent legal power, but it needs a review for it on solving the fiduciary warranty legal action, in which the object is not in the debitor so that a default will not be happened. The purpose of the research is to known about the Pax Agreement in protecting creditor and to learn how the execution attempt although the object of fiduciary warranty is not available. This is a normative research, studying Fiduciary Warranty Agreement, Pax Agreement and law rules that applies, and then relates it to the problem. The legal materials needed are: primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The research approach used is a legislation, conceptual approach, and case approach. The legal materials processing technic on a normative research is done by prescriptive theory. Based on the conclusion, it can be concluded that Pax Agreement has

a permanent legal force and it cannot be cancelled, and the weakness can be seen in a long term since Pax Agreement is agreed before the case checking. Therefore, creditor cannot measure debitor’s financial ability to do the accomplishment. However the object of fiduciary warranty is not available, but it does not reduce the debitor’s obligation to do the accomplishment. Creditor can do sequestration towards debitor’s asset as a guarantee for debitor to do the accomplishment and to avoid the debitor to do default.


Keywords         : Fiduciary Warantee, Mediation, Pax Agreement.


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