Perilaku Adaptasi Sosial Karyawan Kontrak Bank Syariah Indonesia Pasca Merger

  • Mochammad Rizki Basarudin Univesitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Moh. Mudzakkir


Contract employees are employees who are being seconded to complete routine jobs for a company or institution, and do not have a guarantee for the continuity of their working life. This is also explained in Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning employment in article 59 paragraph 1. According to the type and nature or activities of the work, it will be completed within a certain time. In this study, the interviews that will be used are in-depth interviews. In-depth interviews were conducted in an open and flexible manner without being attached to a strict structure but still organized in an informal situation. Employees think that the presence of a discrepancy at the beginning is a way to understand each other among employees or co-workers. Employees are required to remain professional in doing work. They can distinguish when it's time to do work with personal and with colleagues. They feel a lot of changes that they must be ready to accept. Employees initially assess the policies that were born in the company they currently work for. Employees also develop systems that have been born by the company's new policy. Employees think that the presence of a discrepancy at the beginning is a way to understand each other among employees or co-workers.

How to Cite
Basarudin, M., & Mudzakkir, M. (2023). Perilaku Adaptasi Sosial Karyawan Kontrak Bank Syariah Indonesia Pasca Merger. Paradigma, 12(2), 181-190. Retrieved from
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