Case Study: Bridge STA 4+575 Of South Cross Road Construction Project (JLS) Lot 6A: P. Sine – Bts. Kab. Blitar 1


  • Wiranti Pinaka Sari Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Nur Andajani Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Bearing Capacity of Bored Pile Foundation, PDA test, Plaxis Software


The STA 4+575 bridge is one of the constructions in the Lot 6A South Cross Road (JLS) project with a bored pile foundation type. The construction design of a bored pile foundation is calculated using an empirical method to obtain the bearing capacity of the foundation. Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) dynamic test in the field and Plaxis software modelling are the options to analyze the bearing capacity of the foundation. This research aims to identify the results and comparative analysis of the bearing capacity of bored pile foundations using           N-SPT data based on empirical methods theories of Mayerhoff (1976), Reese and Wright (1977), and Luciano Decourt (1987), the dynamic method using the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) test, and Plaxis software. The Qall results of the bored pile foundation empirical method theories of Mayerhoff are 304.04 tons, Reese and Wright are 275.608 tons, and Luciano Decourt are 152.608 tons. The dynamic method of PDA test result is 176.7 tons, and the Plaxis software result is 165.38 tons. The percentage differences of the three methods are the Mayerhoff’s theori-PDA test of 41.88%, Reese and Wright’s theori-PDA test of 35.89%, Luciano Decourt’s theori-PDA test of 15.61%, and the PDA test-Plaxis software of 6.41%. The results of the three methods suggest that the empirical method of Luciano Decourt is closest to the dynamic method of the PDA test.


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