Dinamika Pabrik Gula Krebet Malang 1906-1957

  • AMRI Eka EKA WARDANA Jurnal Online Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Sejarah - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNESA


The sugar industryin the colonial erawas one ofthe factorsthat broughta great impact onthe economicsectorindonesia.PabrikKrebetSugaris oneof the manyfactorieslocated ineasternIndonesia, particularlyin Java. authorslimit the issuesthat will be discussedis abouthow thehistory of thesugarmillsand the dynamicsKrebetsugarinsugar factoryKrebetunfortunatethatin the 1930shadreductiondue to theworld economiccrisisposea great impact onsugar factoryitself other thana decrease inproduction alsoterminationsugar exports. formulation of the problemof how thehistory of thesugar factoryin MalangKrebetitself andwhetherthe impactof thedynamicsoccurringsugarinMalang's Sugar FactoryKrebetso it willappearclearlywhat is thecause and effectoftheworld economiccrisisaffectingthisKrebetSugar Factory. This researchusesthe methodsof historical researchwith the stagesheuristic(collecting data), critique, (to test the validity of the sourcethat has been gainedin the process ofheuristic), interpretation(interpretation of the sourceobtained), historiography, (present research results in aform ofwriting) .Resultsofthis studyconcludedthatthe presence ofagreatbusiness opportunityin thefield ofsugar industryatthis timeto bringthe owners of capitaltoset up acompetingsugar industrythatstandsKrebetsugar Factoryand theaftermath of the1930global economic crisisa lot ofimpacton thereceivedbythereduction ofplantproduction, employmentand reductionpemnutusantanam.hinggaFactorylandwasingadaikantoDeJavanseMalangBankto assist incapitalplantuntilaftertheplanthad helpto standbackuntil today.

Keywords : Krebet sugar company, Economic crisis

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