Tiong Hoa Hwe Kwan ( T.H.H.K ) Surabaya 1903-1942

  • BAGUS JOHANSYAH Jurnal Online Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Sejarah - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNESA


THHK at first ethnic Chinese is an organization that has the main objective to develop teaching Khonghuchu by changing habits in performing marriage ceremonies and funerals are big-besara, the huge cost and is a futile waste. Another objective of the establishment THHK is to increase knowledge of reading, writing and language knowledge and established schools. Establishing these schools emerged as the Dutch colonial government did not provide a school for Chinese children but for children bumiputera been provided Gupernemen schools. Chinese children only get education from private teachers at their homes or at home teacher who only teaches classical Chinese lesson without understanding and a little arithmetic. THHK schools teaching Chinese to change the system to be more modern. The schools under the auspices of THHK growing rapidly and had an influence in the development of social and ethnic Chinese education itself. Note also that the schools THHK almost there in every city in this Indonesia.Melihat then led to anxiety among the Dutch colonial government. Dutch colonial government established a school that is intended also for ethnic Chinese or Chinese as well as HCS (Hollands Chinese School).

Keywords: School THHK, Ethnic Chinese in Surabaya Year 1900-1940, Social Life and Education

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