• MUKHAMAT MAHFUDI Jurnal Online Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Sejarah - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNESA


Land deliverance for development project of Asian Games in Senayan came after Indonesia won the vote at a meeting of Asian Games Federation (AGF Board) in Tokyo in 1959. Indonesia was chosen to be host of Asian Games IV in Jakarta. The statute provision of AGF requires Indonesia to hold Asian Games IV with complete facilities. The facility consists of rest, entertainment and sports venues area such as international standard multi-sport complex. Jakarta did not have complete sport facilities immediately designs the project "sport venues such as multi-sport complex". The first step in the development of sport venue was to determine the area and did land deliverance in the region. In this thesis research, the author is interested in taking theme "land deliverance in the preparation and implementation of the Asian games IV 1962 in Jakarta". The statements of the problems of this research are: (1) what is the meaning of sport for the nation identity image related to the implementation of Asian Games IV in 1962. (2) how is the process of land deliverance for the project Asian Games IV in 1958-1962. In writing this thesis, the author uses Heuristic methods from the Archive Collection of Lukito Soetikno Disastro (AKSLD) as the primary data and newspapers, papers, journals or other books as secondary data. The result of the research, it can be concluded by the following: Senayan land deliverance can be used as a source reference, especially the technical implementation of land deliverance process for public needs (national and state identity). The process of Senayan land deliverance does not occur a reaction, although Indonesia land law has not issued yet. The condition of Indonesia land law is still mixed by colonial law, however the government take a policy of mutual benefit between the government and the citizen. The compensation from KUPAG (Komando Urusan Pembebasan Tanah Asian Games) can prosper Senayan’s society. In other side, Indonesia utilizes the Asian Games as a tool for achieving the nation identity, so that Asian Games is not just a game, but the real form of nation and character building. Indonesia is not only de vacto and de jure as an independent nation, but acknowledged to have prowess in the international sport and hold it as the nation which has dignity.

Keywords : Pembebasan Tanah, Asian Games IV, DAGI, KUPAG

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