• NUURA Nurida NURIDA FASA Jurnal Online Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Sejarah - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNESA


After the Proclamation of 1945, the Dutch left Indonesia a problem with the residency status of West Irian. Since the restoration of sovereignty on December 27, 1949, West Irian still in Dutch power. His status will be negotiated within one year of the restoration of sovereignty by the Dutch RIS. After the restoration of the sovereignty of an agreement between the government of Indonesia and the Netherlands to form a Unie Indonesia and the Netherlands. Dutch surrender all of the former colonies, except for Papua. In the liberation of West Irian, a character who is determined to fight West Irian M. Natsir, as the Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia after the end of the RIS. Cabinet Natsir given the task, in order to resolve the issue of West Irian before January 1, 1951. The reign cabinet a year to coincide with the transfer of sovereignty, which the West Irian status negotiations to be reopened. This study answers the formulation of the problem, how policy M. Natsir related problems of West Irian, and public response to the policy of M. Natsir. The method used is the method of historical research that consists of heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. To resolve this masala, M. Natsir formed a special committee to conduct negotiations with the Dutch. This effort was doomed to failure and cause a motion of no confidence from the various parties, especially the Democratic Youth Union Branch Medan Indonesia, and Sumbawa, and demanded the dissolution of the Cabinet. M. Natsir who eventually resigned on March 20, 1951.

Keywords: West Irian, M. Policy Natsir, Mosi not Believe

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