Penampungan Orang Vietnam di Pulau Galang 1975-1979

  • MOH. FANDIK Jurnal Online Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Sejarah - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNESA


During the thirty years of war swept the country of Vietnam and ended in 1975. Prolonged Vietnam War caused damage to various aspects of life and the natural environment. War is over does not mean the problem has been completed. Many residents of Vietnamese refugees leaving the country perform their new country mencarai for a better life. Although the Vietnam War has officially ended, but the big problem is not yet complete. Displacement occurred in 1979 by the Vietnamese population on a large scale. Various state a destination one displaced Indonesia. The main factor causing the flow of refugees is an unstable state after the Vietnam civil war in 1975. Some 25,000 refugees have arrived in Indonesia in 1979 so as not to cause social instability in the country due to the large influx of refugees, the Government of Indonesia provides a special place for them, namely Pulau Galang. The reason government election Galang Island sabagai shelter once the processing of refugee flows strategic location making it easier for the Government of Indonesia to coordinate with neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore in dealing with Vietnamese refugees. Arrival Vietnam penungsi bring disparate impact for the local population in Galang Island in the form of social and economic impacts.

Keywords: refugee, Vietnam, Indonesia, Galang Island

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