• Imika Devita Putri Prasetyo Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Sosial da Hukum Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Sosial da Hukum Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Lifestyle in Indonesia has evolved from time to time driven by the inclusion of a variety of cultures from outside. The outside culture that enters gives influence to the people in it. One culture that is quite closely related to society is music. The influence of music on social life can be seen through rock genre music. Rock music is a genre of music that is quite popular and has a large impact on the social life of the community. In the 1960s Western music (rock) was among the music that was banned during the Sukarno administration. In the early 1970s rock music began to spread its wings in various major cities in Indonesia such as the City of Jakarta, Solo, Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, and Malang. One of the major cities in Indonesia that received the impact of the development of rock music in the 1970s is the City of Malang. The city of Malang did not budge even though the government at that time had banned rock music from entering and developing in Indonesia, even the city of Malang gave birth to many musicians and was used as a barometer of rock music.The problems examined in this study are: (1) Why does rock music affect the lifestyle of Malang students in 1980-1990 ?, (2) How was the lifestyle of rock fans in Malang in 1980-1990 ?. The method used by researchers is the historical research method, which has several stages, namely: Heuristics, Source Criticism, Interpretation, and Historiography. The benefits of research in this study are expected to be able to add historical studies, especially about social and culture in Indonesia. The results of the study explained that the existence of rock music in Malang City has influenced the lifestyle of students. This is related to the students' perception of seeking identity. The entry of new cultures from outside to Indonesia has become a supporting tool in the search for the identity of students in Malang City. One of the new cultures that entered and developed in Indonesia during the 1980-1990 period was rock music. Many students love and idolize rock band musicians, so that this becomes a consumption for students to support their lifestyle as a search for identity. Due to the influence of western culture that entered and developed in big cities in Indonesia. The lifestyle adopted from western culture has begun to be applied by most students in Malang. Changes in lifestyle or lifestyles that are influenced by rock music take various forms, ranging from clothing styles, hairstyles and associations that occur in the younger generation in Malang. Changes in the lifestyle or lifestyle of the people in Malang are influenced by several factors, namely the mass media, idol or rock band musicians who are very popular, and among fans of rock music. The lifestyle of rock music fans in 1980-1990 included physical and non-physical lifestyles. Physical lifestyle includes clothing styles, hairstyles to accessories styles, while non-physical lifestyles include social styles, attitude styles, and language styles used to communicate.

Keywords: Lifestyle, Rock Music, Students 

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