• Najmah Zahiroh Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Sosial da Hukum Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Wisnu Wisnu Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Ilmu Sosial da Hukum Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The modern Islamic boarding school named Darussalam Gontor, is an Islamic educational institution that has become the center of all modern-based Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, because it has started the establishment of modern-based Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. Darusssalam Gontor Islamic boarding school implementing the modernization that carried out by santri in a well-structured learning system and schedule. In the middle of Gontor’s development in 1967, it had a dark history called the santri agitation in 19th of March or known as Persemar. Persemar 1967 is an agitation that carried out by santri of Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school in 1967. The agitation began with the emergence of several unproven accusations and negative incitement against the Kyai of the Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school itself. The agitation culminated on 19th of March 1967 with screaming and cheering while making a commotion and ignoring to politeness. It also destroying some of the inventories that belong to Darussalam Gontor Islamic boarding school. The perpetrator of the agitation was a santri in 5th year KMI experiment and was supported by several ustadz to make the Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school stands for one-group The problem formulations that used in this research are (1) What is the relationship between the agitation on 19 March 1967 and the 1965 rebellion of the Indonesian Communist Party? (2) in the agitation in 1967, why dothe santri ask Gontor to affiliated with other parties or organizations? (3) What was the role of the Kyai policy of the Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school in the agitation of March, 19th 1967? The steps that used this research method are the Heuristic stage, Source Criticism, Interpretation and Historiography. The tensions of the political conditions in Indonesia in 1965-1966 caused the chaos to community organizations and the modern Islamic boarding school, Darussalam Gontor. Several santri and teachers of the Darussalam Gontor modern Islamic boarding school were invited to affiliate with certain groups to get a lot of support and become the main reason of the agitation in March 19th, 1967 occurred. However, due to the insistence of the modern Islamic boarding school motto, Darusssalam Gontor, "Stand above and for all groups" Modern Islamic boarding schools have managed to maintain their motto for not affiliated with any organization or group to date.

Keywords: agitation, santri, Darussalam Gontor modern islamic boarding school, Persemar 1967

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