Tradisi Ruwatan Agung Nuswantara di Kabupaten Mojokerto Periode 1959-2019

  • Debrinda Niswisujenta Kuriandini Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Artono Artono Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Indonesia, which is known as Ibu Pertiwi, is a country that has various races, cultures and beliefs. Until now, much has been maintained is culture. One of the forms of culture that still exists in society is tradition. The entry of Hindu-Buddhist traditions influenced many things in Indonesia. This teaching is believed to be the religion of the majority of the local population, in line with the construction of houses, places of worship and tombs that are identical to the beliefs of the people who adhere to these religions. The most basic thing about tradition is the existence of information passed from generation to generation, both written and (often) orally, because without this, a tradition could become extinct. Another opinion states that tradition is inheritance or customary norms, rules, assets. Tradition is not something that cannot be changed. Tradition actually combines with various human actions and is elevated in its entirety. (Van Reusen, 1992: 115). The form of habit that is generally carried out until now is the ruwatan tradition. Ruwatan is a community activity carried out to purify individuals, the surrounding community and the area because of bad deeds in order to avoid calamity or disaster. The essence of this ceremony is actually prayer asking for protection from threats such as natural disasters, as well as prayers asking for forgiveness, sins and mistakes that have been committed that can cause disaster. This activity originated from the syncretic habits of the ancient Javanese people, but gradually this habit got the influence of existing religious values. The ruwatan ceremony is actually a culture that originates from pre-Hindu times, namely the ritual of worshiping ancestral spirits or an initiation ceremony. One of the ruwatan traditions that is still being maintained is the Ruwat Agung Nuswantara Majapahit which was held at the Pendopo Agung, Mojokerto Regency. The Pendopo Agung site includes the Nglinguk Hamlet, Trowulan Village, Trowulan District, Mojokerto Regency. Ruwat Agung Nuswantara Majapahit is a holy ceremony to pray for and eliminate negative things on earth. This ruwatan has been carried out since 1959 at the courtyard of Kedaton Temple or Sumur Upas which is located at Sentonorejo Trowulan Village until it was last held in 2019. Over time, this ruwatan has always progressed in its every implementation. Many adjustments have been made to support the smooth running of the Ruwatan according to current technology and information without changing the procedure for the Ruwatan procession. In 2007, Ruwat Agung Nuswantara Majapahit was finally made one of the annual agendas for tourism in Mojokerto Regency. This is intended as a movement to preserve culture and become one of the tourist attractions in Mojokerto Regency. Based on the description, the purpose of writing this scientific paper is to explain the changes in the implementation of Ruwat Agung Nuswantara Majapahit between the 1959-2019 period. This is intended to further find out what these changes are. In discovering the changes in the implementation of Ruwat Agung Nuswantara Majapahit between the 1959-2019 period, this scientific paper used the literature study method, which is a scientific paper writing whose preparation is the same as writing other scientific papers, but the sources and methods of collecting data are taking several research journals. Keywords : Tradition, Ruwat, Agung, Nuswantara

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