• Betsyeba Br. Barus Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Artono Artono Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study describes the role of Achmad Tahir during the Battle of Medan Area 13 October 1945 in the city of Medan. The Battle of Medan Area occurred because of the return of the Allies and Nica to regain control of the Medan city area. The rejection of Medan residents was marked by riots and the emergence of many casualties, both from the Allies and Nica and the Indonesian people. Achmad Tahir and the military organizations he participated in played an important role in the events of the Medan Area battle. In this research raises a problem formulation (1). What was the role of Achmad Tahir in the Battle of Medan Area in 1945? (2). What was the role of military organizations that Achmad Tahir had participated in in the Battle of Medan Area in 1945? To answer the formulation of the problem above, the method used in this study is a historical research method which consists of 4 stages which include (1) Heuristics, (2) Verification, (3) Interpretation, (4) Historiography. The results of the research that have been carried out show that the role of Achmad Tahir in fighting for independence in the city of Medan is an important role, especially in the Battle of Medan Area. In the Battle of Medan Area, Achmad Tahir's enthusiasm and struggle in fighting against the Allies and Nica should be appreciated for not giving up. This can be proven by Achmad Tahir again inviting the youths of former Gyugun, Heiho, and Peta to reunite against colonialism which was discussed in a secret meeting chaired by Achmad Tahir. In addition, Achmad Tahir has the initiative to train young people through the training he received while participating in a military organization called Gyugun. This is done to fight for independence as well as to give the spirit of nationalism to Indonesian youth.

Keywords: Role, Achmad Tahir, Battle of Medan Area

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