• Linda Eka Saputri Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Nasution Nasution Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study aims to analyze (1) how was the UMKM of footwear Wedoro in 1960-2000?, (2) how was the contribution of UMKM of footwear to the lives of the people of Wedoro in 1960-2000?. The method used in this research is the historical research method, which has four stages, namely: (1) Heuristics, namely field observations, interviews either directly or using a mobile phone with local business actors,(2) Source Criticism, in selecting sources the writer has considerations, namely those who have the ability to convey information and it is confirmed by direct observation, (3) Interpretation, interpretation of the data obtained, and (4) Historiography, writing scientific papers based on the data obtained.
The results of this research are UMKM centers in Wedoro Village, Waru District, Sidoarjo, namely footwear products (sandals). The UMKM center has been around since 1960, which is a hereditary business which was then continued by the local community to this day.UMKM in this area, between 1960-2000 experienced rapid development. This business center became quite famous in 2000, this can be seen from the line of shops that almost all sell women’s, men’s, and children’s sandals, which are neatly arranged with various types of sandals, and craftsmen’s houses filled with footwear products. The existence of the UMKM center is able to have a positive influence on the people in that area. Their income has increased, where initially the community only worked according to their respective livelihoods such as working as employees in factories, traders, etc., now they can also create side businesses, namely as footwear craftsmen or some even become business owners.
Keywords: UMKM, Footwear, Wedoro Village

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