Pelayanan Kesehatan: Dinamika Penyelenggaraan Sarana Kesehatan di Kota Surabaya tahun 1924-1938

  • Aditya Indrawan Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The majority of studies on health history in the city of Surabaya discuss diseases and hospitals. Various archives as primary data regarding reports of conditions at that time, especially in terms of health, explained a lot about how the habits of the people of Surabaya were less familiar with cleanliness. This is special information considering that the city of Surabaya itself was once a Gemeente area since 1906, causing the city of Surabaya to experience rapid development so that population growth continues to occur, causing the living space in Surabaya to be narrow and causing various kinds of problems, one of which is health. . Although since 1917 there has been a Simpang hospital which has become the central hospital in Surabaya, although in its development several health facilities in Surabaya continue to grow, there are several problems that must be experienced. This study intends to reconstruct the factors that cause the implementation of health facilities and the dynamics that occur in the implementation of health facilities in Surabaya in 1924-1938. This study discusses (1) what are the factors behind the implementation of health facilities in the city of Surabaya in 1924-1938?; (2) How was the development of the implementation of health facilities in the city of Surabaya in 1924- 1938?. This study uses historical research methods which include topic selection, source collection, verification or criticism, interpretation or interpretation and historiography sourced from several Dutch archives as well as books thatexplain how the state of health in the city of Surabaya and the colonial government's policies in overcoming health problems. . The results of this study explain the factors that led to the construction of health facilities in Surabaya because the health of the people of the city of Surabaya before becoming Gemeente was very bad, even the environmental conditions in the city of Surabaya were also dirty due to the habit of people who like to throw dirt in the river and the lack of public knowledge. Regarding health, this situation persists even though Surabaya has become an administrative area. As a result, the implementation of health facilities in the city of Surabaya is not as easy as imagined, there are many problems that occur, ranging from the spread of bad issues regarding deaths that occur in hospitals, so doctors have to work hard to save patients being treated, it doesn't stop there. the interests of a group also intervened in health services in Surabaya, and economic problems became problematic in itself, causing the government to reduce the health budget which led to changes in hospital management.

Keyword: Health Facility, enviroment, Surabaya

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