• Linda Rizqi Amelia Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Wisnu Wisnu Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Education is an important thing that is useful for human life. From education can bring up a pattern of behavior and patterns of thought that are structured. Quality education is one of the supports to be able to face the era of globalization. But not only quality education is needed to face the times, but quality education must also be balanced with good character. So this is very in accordance with the establishment of modern Islamic boarding schools in which not only learn about religious knowledge, but also begin to include useful knowledge to face the development of an increasingly modern era. In this article, I want to reveal about the development of a Tahfizdul Nur Muhammad Islamic boarding school that meets the criteria as a modern Islamic boarding school. With a discussion that tries to answer (1) How was the development of education at the Nur Muhammad Islamic boarding school from 2003 to 2017; (2) How is the implementation of the khalaf salaf curriculum in formal education at the Muhammad boarding school foundation in 2017; (3) What are the efforts of the cottage owners in maintaining the existence of the Nur Muhammad Islamic boarding school in the period 2003-2017. In this article, we have been able to answer some of the formulations of the problem, namely the development of PPTQ Nur Muhammad in 2003-2016 as an Islamic boarding school that purely studied religious knowledge, then starting in 2017 PPTQ Nur Muhammad adopted the khalaf salaf curriculum with evidence of the construction of SMP Nur Muhammad in that year. who are members of the Nur Muhammad Foundation. In this case the Halaf Salaf curriculum in the Nur Muhammad Foundation is able to run well and is able to run side by side. The success of PPTQ Nur Muhammad cannot be separated from the role of caregivers, teachers, and students in it. This success comes from the quality of the students and the ability of the caregivers and teachers to coordinate to guide the students.

Keywords: Education, modern Islamic boarding school, integration of khalaf and salaf curriculum

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