• Andika Fiki Ramadhan Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Artono Artono Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


As a form of entertainment media, performing arts turned into a profit-oriented entertainment product after being
able to get out of elements related to traditional ceremonies and transformatively turned into entertainment for the people
as a representative form of traditional agrarian society at that time. After the heyday of 1980-1990, Aneka Ria Srimulat now
has to work hard to maintain her idealism. With the increasing prevalence of various modern entertainment formats such as
Stand Up Comedy, Laughter Sketches, to various Reality Shows on the Television layer, the public has abandoned this show
that once made the city of Surabaya feel good.
Based on the things that have been explained above, the researchers got the formulation of the problem including:1. What are the problems faced by Aneka Ria Srimulat to continue to exist in Surabaya? 2. How did the comedy group
Aneka Ria Srimulat Surabaya survive the modernization of performing arts in 1990-2000? In writing this thesis, the
researcher uses heuristic, critique, interpretation and historiography research methods. In this study, the researcher used
several documents as primary sources, namely the required reference sources were supporting books related to culture,
performing arts, comedy arts, and books discussing Aneka Ria Srimulat.
Teguh has had a stroke since 1993 and did not get to see the Srimulat reunion which then led to the second golden
era on television. Aneka Ria Srimulat was officially disbanded by its owner in 1989 after reaching its peak in the
entertainment scene (1970-1980s) until its admirers began to decrease drastically (1985s). The owner of Srimulat, Mr.
Firm, is a behind-the-scenes person who, apart from looking for talent, also serves as the father of Srimulat, we are like his
home and Mr. Firm. So if the father has left, we as children automatically have to walk alone (Speaks Eko Londo,
interview)August 1995, Gogon proposed a Srimulat reunion. The implementation of the Srimulat reunion was considered a
success and still drew a large audience. Indosiar Station asked for her hand, and Srimulat appeared again on the silver
screen in 1995-2003.. it was not until 2006 that Srimulat again received an offer to perform at Indosiar in 36 episodes. In
fact, in the early 90s, we started to have many offers on national TV, some even playing on the big screen like Tarzan,
Tessy. The term has a "medot" because it is true that the offer for the film is paid twice, the first time is the contract, after
that it is aired, you get another fee, concluded Eko Londho. Regarding eco londho during the interview, the thing he missed
the most was the pay. Yes, I definitely miss everyone, but I miss Kadir the most, Doyok. "Because we happened to be both
originally from East Java, we all just wanted to talk about anything," concluded Eko Londho. And the person who is most
famous and remembered in Srimulat according to Pak Eko seems to be nunung, because she is the only woman and still
exists today, then Mas Mimiek may be because of her slogan "wews ewes ewes bablas angine", just like Basuki, who didn't
know you before? basuki, playing time at Si Doel.
Key word : Internal Conflict, Comedy Group, Aneka Ria Srimulat

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