• Rosi Anwar Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Eko Satriya Hermawan Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Tarekat comes from the Arabic language, namely “thariqah” which means the way. “Thariqah” or tarekat can be interpreted as a method or the way so that a Muslim can always feel close to Allah SWT. Each tarekat has a certain method or way according to the teacher's instructions, and this method has a lineage to the Prophet Rasulullah Muhammad SAW. Tarekat Tijaniyah is one of the recognized tarekat in Indonesia. Tarekat Tijaniyah came from North Africa, precisely in Fez, Morocco, which was founded by Syaikh Ahmad bin Muhammad At-Tijani. As time goes by, Tarekat Tijaniyah is expanding throughout the world, reaching out to areas in Indonesia. Abah Abdul Mukhid and his son, Ustadz Abdul Khaliq, were influential figures in the spread of the Tarekat Tijaniyah to Menunggal Village, Kedamean Sub-district, Gresik Regency. The teachings of Tarekat Tijaniyah came from KH. Mustafid Bin Munawir Krian, Sidoarjo. In this study, the problem studied was How was the development of the Tarekat Tijaniyah in Menunggal Village, Kedamean Sub-district, Gresik Regency? and What is the impact of the development of Tarekat Tijaniyah on the community in Menunggal Village, Kedamean Sub-district, Gresik Regency?. The purpose of this studywas to describe the history of the development of the Tarekat Tijaniyah in Menunggal Village, which was brought by Abah Mukhid and Ustadz Abdul Khaliq in 1983-1996.
The research method used in this research is the historical research method. The historical research method has 4 stages, namely: 1) Heuristics, 2) Source criticism or verification, 3) Interpretation, and 4) Historiography. The data sources used in this study were oral sources obtained from Ustadz Abdul Khaliq and written sources obtained from books, journals and other relevant documents.
The results showed that Tarekat Tijaniyah which developed in Menunggal Village came from KH. Mustafid Bin Munawir Krian and arrived at Menunggal Village in 1983 through Abah Abdul Mukhid and his son, namely Ustadz Abdul Khaliq. Tarekat Tijaniyah in Menunggal Village was well received by the surrounding community so it was quite developed. The development of the Tarekat Tijaniyah experienced a setback in 1989 when there were several individuals who tried to influence Abah Abdul Mukhid and the Tijaniyah congregation to follow the teachings of magic in Sooko village but the effort was successfully thwarted by Ustadz Abdul Khaliq. Until now Tarekat Tijaniyah in Menunggal Village has been able to survive and gave a positive impact on the surrounding community with the establishment of Zawiyah, namely a place to gather and dzikir, and the establishment of Madrasah Diniyah, namely the place of Islamic religious learning for children in 1996.
Keywords: Development, Tarekat Tijaniyah, Menunggal Village

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