• Dindha Septa Rossita Sari Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Corry Liana Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Resilience in the world of education that highlights students' resilience in overcoming difficulties academically. Teachers are considered to have a role in encouraging students to become resilient individuals. However, problems in the field show that teachers are also vulnerable to difficulties that affect classroom learning, including history learning, so that the phenomenon of teacher resilience began to be studied. This study discusses (1) The level of resilience of history teachers in Mojokerto that has never been studied; (2) What factors are behind the level of resilience of history teachers in Mojokerto. The type of research used is descriptive, exploratory with a combination approach or mixed method. Quantitative research was conducted in the first stage, namely measuring the level of resilience of history teachers in Mojokerto using questionnaire measuring instruments while quality research was carried out in the second stage, namely to analyze the factors behind the level of resilience of history teachers in Mojokerto.The results of the questionnaire showed that out of 50 history teachers, as many as 34 teachers (68%) had a moderate level of resilience, followed by 7 teachers (14%) had a high level of resilience and 9 teachers (18%) had a low level of resilience. The factors behind history teachers' resilience are emotion regulation, impulse control, optimism, causal analysis, empathy, self-efficacy, and reaching out. Thus, it can be concluded that history teachers in Mojokerto have an average level of moderate resilience. The ability of teacher resilience determines how teachers teach and control the classroom. Teachers who have medium-high levels of resilience are better able to establish close relationships with students, motivate students, and make history learning fun.
Keywords : resilience, history teacher

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