Grup Musik Kua Etnika Sebagai Musik Etnik Pada Tahun 1997 – 2019

  • Riza Tiara Putri Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Corry Liana Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Kua Etnika music group is an ethnic music group that combines elements of traditional musical instruments with modern musical instruments. This music group faces new challenges that affect its existence along with the development of music dynamics in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to discuss the background of making the first album of the Kua Etnika music group, as well as how the existence of the Kua Etnika music group in the dynamics of music development in Indonesia. This research uses historical research methods, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The subject in this study was the music group Kua Etnika. The results showed that the Kua Etnika music group still exists, it is proven that it still often practices by arranging old and new songs and has performed at several music events.
This existence is supported by the maintenance and preservation of Kua Etnika traditions to be committed to maintaining and preserving its cultural heritage and musical traditions; Kua Etnika maintains its existence by introducing innovations in music interpretation; collaborations with other music genres such as pop, rock, jazz, or electronic bands; distribution through digital media such as social media and music streaming platforms that can be a powerful tool to promote and maintain the existence of Kua Etnika. Although it still exists, the Kua Etnika music group has experienced a period of decline due to inhibiting factors, including competition in the music industry; listener preferences for certain types of music; adequate financial resources and support; and finally changes in music trends. Kua Etnika music group needs to be more alert to technological developments and make breakthroughs in music in order to maintain its existence.
Keywords: Kua Etnika Music Group, Existence, Traditional

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