• Vira Nur Mahfudhoh Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Riyadi Riyadi Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The formal education system in schools encompasses three domains in developmental theory: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. One aspect of the psychomotor domain consists of imitation, manipulation, precision, articulation, and naturalization. In the psychomotor domain, which involves physical and motor skills, one of the skills is Speaking, closely associated with storytelling. The limitation in storytelling skills is attributed to the history teaching method, which emphasizes teacher explanations and provides limited space for active student participation in the learning process. Therefore, the implementation of the muhadarah method aims to encourage students to actively participate in the learning process and enhance their ability to narrate historical events through individual understanding. In this study, the method employed is quantitative research, specifically the survey research method with correlational statistics indicating an asymmetric (unidirectional) relationship. The data collection technique involves using perception questionnaire sheets for variable X and performance tests to collect data for variable Y. The data analysis technique includes instrument tests, such as validity tests and reliability tests. Subsequently, prerequisite tests, including normality tests and linearity tests, are conducted. The hypothesis testing involves regression analysis with the aim of determining the influence of variable X, which is the muhadarah method, on variable Y, represented by the ability to narrate historical events.Based on the results of the research, the equation Y = 133.917 + (-0.815)X or the muhadarah method = 133.917 + (-0.815) (ability to narrate historical events) was found. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an inverse relationship between variables X and Y. The hypothesis testing results show that the value of πΉπΆπ‘œπ‘’π‘›π‘‘ is 27.232, and the πΉπ‘‡π‘Žπ‘π‘™π‘’ at a 5% significance level is 4.113. The comparison between πΉπΆπ‘œπ‘’π‘›π‘‘and πΉπ‘‡π‘Žπ‘π‘™π‘’ is 27.232 > 4.113 at the 5% significance level. Hence, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, and there is a significant influence between variable X and variable Y. The extent of the influence of X on Y can be seen from the coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.431, indicating that there is an influence of 43.1%. This is due to the correlation value (R) of 0.656, demonstrating the extent to which the influence between two variables, in this case, the Muhadarah Method and Students' Storytelling Ability, are related to each other. The value of 0.656 indicates a positive relationship between the Muhadarah Method and Students' Storytelling Ability. Keyword: Muhadarah Method, History Learning, Narrative Ability

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