• Amira Salsabila Nugroho Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Sri Mastuti Purwaningsih Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Dinoyo Village in the colonial period turned out to have its own history, besides being one of the villages close to the elite Darmo camp. This village is also one of the supporters, natives living in Dinoyo village also contributed to the running of European facilities around Dinoyo village during the colonial period of 1906- 1942. Therefore, Dinoyo village has a lot of history in it. The formulations that emerged, among others, how the condition of Surabaya as a modern city in the conial period, how the impact of the development of the city of Surabaya as a modern city during the colonial period on Dinoyo village in 1906-1942, and whether there was a change in the pattern of society in Dinoyo village in 1906-1942 with the current village community. The method used in this study is the Historical research methodology. Heuristics are done by searching government archives, government maps, contemporary newspapers, and related books. Looking for sources from dephler.nl sites to find contemporary archives, books, and newspapers, while for physical books at the Medayu Agung Library in the form of books "OUD SOERABAIA" and "NIUEW SOERABAIA", it is also added with trusted online media. Verification is carried out by comparing all sources obtained, then analyzing the sources to find facts, and then written in the form of a thesis. Through historical writing, it is seen that Dinoyo village in the colonial period also benefited from the European facilities located around Dinoyo village in 1906-942 and also social changes in society that occurred due to the change of Surabaya into an autonomous city. This is because the location of Dinoyo village is almost in the middle of the city and adjacent to the housing of the European elite on Darmo Boulevard or now known as Jalan Raya Darmo. The impact that the community felt was not only the facilities but also they also contributed to supporting the facilities even if only on a small scale, due to the ethnic discrimination that still occurred at that time and the differences in opportunities obtained between natives and Europeans at that time. Dinoyo Village is currently a busy village because of the rapid mobility of its people as a characteristic of metropolitan city society. Keywords: Dinoyo Village, Colonial Period, Society, 1906-1942

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