• Mochammad Febriansyah Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Eko Satriya Hermawan Jurusan Pendidikan Sejarah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Entering the 19th and early 20th centuries, there were extraordinary developments in the history of the economy in Indonesia. This is demonstrated by the establishment of many industries in several areas, one of which is the sugar industry. The sugar industry has been known in the Dutch East Indies since it was first introduced by the VOC. After the Dutch government took over power in the Dutch East Indies and handed over power to Governor General Van Den Bosch and sugarcane began to be designated as one of the mandatory crops to be planted in the Dutch Indies. The existence of the Waringin Agoong Sugar Factory as a place for processing sugar cane into sugar has a role in supporting the industrialization process in Tuban Regency. The aim of this research is to determine the development of the Waringin Agoong sugar factory from its inception to the closure of the factory and its role in sugar industrialization in Tuban Regency. This research uses historical research methods, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this research, the Waringin Agoong Sugar Factory or whose real name is N.V. SuikerFabriek was founded in 1840 by a Dutch businessman named W. J. F. Dudman who also owned a company called Dudman & Co. In 1853 the Resident of Rembang and his Assistant Resident visited the Waringin Agoong Sugar Factory and were warmly welcomed by the factory owner. The Rembang Resident and Assistant Resident visited the Waringin Agoong Sugar Factory with the aim of reviewing the performance of the Sugar Factory. In 1894, many sugar factories experienced an economic crisis and many sugar factories closed because in 1894 the sugar industry did not bring prosperity. But the Waringin Agoong sugar factory is still operating even though it is experiencing an economic downturn and many of the facilities are starting to become obsolete. The Waringin Agoong Sugar Factory was sold openly to the public for 14,000 guilders. At the beginning of the development of the sugar industry in Tuban Regency, farmers received orders from the Dutch East Indies Colonial Government to plant sugar cane which was the raw material for making sugar to be processed at the Waringin Agoong Sugar Factory in Tuban Regency. The development of sugarcane cultivation is slowly showing positive results. This ultimately made Tuban Regency one of the sugar suppliers in the Rembang Residency area. Even though the Waringin Agoong Sugar Factory does not receive much income from sugar sales due to problems with soil fertility for planting sugar cane in the area around the factory, W.J.F Dudman still pays attention to the prosperity and welfare of farmers and factory workers. Keywords : Sugar, Industrialisasi, Sugar Factory, Waringin Agoong, Tuban

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