Development of ClassPoint Integrated PowerPoint Spin Game Media to Improve Critical Thinking Skills on Excretory System Material in Senior High School

  • Ayu Nuryatik Ramadhani Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Raharjo Raharjo Universitas Negeri Surabaya


High-level thinking abilities such as critical thinking, logical thinking, reflective thinking, metacognitive thinking, and creative thinking are indispensable ways of thinking for the 21st century. Specifically, it emphasizes critical thinking as crucial for learning and suggests educational games as a medium to enhance this skill among students. This study aims to produce and describe the feasibility of ClassPoint integrated PowerPoint Spin Game media in terms of validity, practicality, and effectiveness to improve critical thinking skills in high school, particularly in the Excretory System Material. This research used development research using the ASSURE model. This research involved 24 students of grade XI in SMA Muhammadiyah 10 GKB Gresik. The methods employed observation, questionnaire, pre-test, and post-test regarding media use. The research results revealed an average media validity of 95,44% with “very valid” criteria. The practicality of the media was obtained based on the results of student activity observations of 98,61% with “very practical” criteria and obtained 92,5% with “very practical” criteria by the questionnaire response. The effectiveness of the media showed an average of 0,68 with “medium” criteria through N-gain analysis. Therefore, the developed ClassPoint integrated PowerPoint Spin Game media was declared valid, practical, and effectively used in learning.

Keywords: classpoint, critical thinking, excretory system, integrated, powerpoint, spin game.

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