Pengaruh Desain Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan Dimediasi Pola Pikir KewirausahaanTerhadap Intensi Berwirausaha
Intention has been considered a strong factor in determining one’s choice to become an entrepreneur. This study aims to determine the direct and indirect effects between curriculum design and entrepreneurship education activities on entrepreneurial intention mediated by entrepreneurial mindset. This type of research is quantitative research with survey method. The population in the study was Sebelas Maret University students. The data collection method used is using a questionnaire distributed via google form with an unknown population and a sample of 273 students. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. This study uses Regression Analysis and Sobel Test. The results obtained in the study are: (1) curriculum design affects the entrepreneurial mindset. (2) entrepreneurship education activities affect the entrepreneurial mindset. (3) curriculum design affects entrepreneurial intention. (4) entrepreneurship education activities affect entrepreneurial intention. (5) entrepreneurial mindset affects entrepreneurial intention. (6) entrepreneurial mindset can mediate the effect of curriculum design and entrepreneurship education activities on entrepreneurial intention.
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