Strategi Think Talk and Write (TTW) Terhadap Keterampilan Berbahasa Anak Tunarungu Kelas VIII SMPLB



A hindrance in communicating which hearing impairment children experienced was caused by the limitedness of hearing impairment children in hearing. The communication hindrance made hearing impairment children tend to withdraw from their environment and only depended on other people whom they only knew. This condition made hearing impairment children have difficulty when they entered to society environment to find a job so they required an education of vocational proficiency. One of the vocational proficiencies thought to hearing impairment children in senior high school level was food science. Bento characteristic was a new innovation in food science area i.e. arranging food supply so that it would be interesting and would make the children happy carrying food supply to the school. By carrying food supply to the school the children healthy would be more warranty, economic, and the children’s eating time would be on time. Therefore, it required a learning model which could optimize the vocational proficiency of bento characteristic and hearing impairment children’s skill in social life i.e. using cooperative learning.
The purpose of this research was to test the influence of cooperative learning toward vocational proficiency of bento characteristic to hearing impairment children in class XII of SMALB Karya Mulia Surabaya. The type of this research was pre experiment in the design of “one group pre test post test design”. The data analysis was non parametric with sign test.
The analysis result used sign test formula could be concluded that there was significant influence between cooperative learning and vocational proficiency of bento characteristic to hearing impairment children in SMALB Karya Mulia Surabaya and with critic test 5% to one side test (1,64) and two side (1,96) it indicated that Z value obtained in counting (2,05) was greater than value significance test.
Keywords: cooperative learning, vocational proficiency of bento characteristic

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