Pembelajaran Kooperatif Think Pair Share Terhadap HasilBelajar Matematika Siswa Tunanetra Kelas V SLBA



One of the blind students’ disorders in mathematics lesson was their understanding toward the material of block and cube volumes so that it had less good impact to learning mathematics result. Based on the problem, this research applied cooperative learning of think pair share with the purpose to analyze the influence of cooperative learning of think pair share toward learning mathematics result to the blind students before and after giving treatment.
The approach used in this research was quantitative. The kind of research used was pre experiment with one group pre-test post-test design and 6 students as the subject. The methods used were test and observation. The test was used to obtain the quantitative data about the students’ learning result using cooperative learning of think pair share while the observation was used to obtain the data about the students’ learning activity using cooperative learning of think pair share. The time used in this research was 8 times meeting i.e. 1 time pre test, 6 times treatment, and 1 time post test.
The result of pre test was 41,67 and the post test was 73,34. The data obtained was then analyzed using analysis technique of statistic non parametric, sign test. It could be concluded that “there was significant influence of cooperative learning of think pair share toward learning mathematics result to the blind students” (Zh = 2,03 > Z table = 1,96, α = 5% so that Ho was refused and Ha was accepted).
Keywords: think pair share, learning result

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