Peningkatan Kemampuan Mengenal Nilai Nominal Mata Uang Melalui Metode Bermain Peran Pada Siswa Tunagrahita Ringan Kelas IV DI SLB



Wuri Handayani Bojonegoro is the students with mild mental retardation are hard to recognize currency values and implement it in their daily life. It was reflected based on the average scores of the students in their initial written test which were under the standard. Since the 4th Grade students’ capability in SLB-C Tut Wuri Handayani Bojonegoro, especially they who have mild mental retardation, in recognizing currency values is low, the author conducts a classroom-action research aiming at describing the improvement of students’ capability to recognize currency values by means of role play method
Data collection methods employed in this study were observation, documentation, and test. Meanwhile, data analysis was conducted by descriptive-reflection analysis based on the cycles.
This study was conducted in 2 cycles. Each cycle was performed in two meetings. The capability to recognize currency values owned by 4th Grade Students with mental retardation at SLB-C Tut Wuri Handayani Bojonegoro shows an improvement and is more than the success indicators of the action. For the students’ liveliness, the percentage is 81% and the result of written test of the students’ capability to recognize currency values is 86%.
The conclusion of the results shows that the role play method can improve the capability of 4th Grade Students with mild mental retardation at SLB-C Tut Wuri Handayani Bojonegoro to recognize currency values. Therefore, the findings of the study may be used as a reference for the teachers in improving the capability of students with mild mental retardation to recognize currency values.
Keywords: money, role play

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