Kajian Deskriptif Pengelolaan Kelas bagi Peserta Didik dengan Spektrum Autis di Sekolah dasar Inklusi




Students with autism spectrum required special education services to develop their potential and capabilities. The recommended special education services is  inclusive education services. In inclusive education services, beside of  optimal teaching, classroom management also had an important role in achieving the optimal learning purpose. Based on the results of preliminary observations in the Elementary School Ketintang II / 410 Surabaya showed contradictive results related to the classroom management, in which the interaction of students  with autism spectrum is quite good, but the of students learning outcomes  is still low. So this condition should was important to be investigated further.

The aim of this research were to describe the classroom management for students with autism spectrum in the Elementary School Ketintang II/410 Surabaya, to describe the factors supporting the implementation of the classroom management for students with autism spectrum in the Elementary School Ketintang II / 410 Surabaya, and  also to describe the factors inhibiting the implementation of classroom management for students with autism spectrum disorder in the Elementary School Ketintang II / 410 Surabaya.

This research used qualitative research method with qualitative descriptive study self-report. The data was collected through observation, interview toward nine informants, and documentation. The data obtained was then analyzed by the analysis model  by  Miles, Huberman, and Saldana involving: data condensation, data display, conclusion drawing and verification.

The research  results showed: the classroom management aspects of managing  students is 73% implemented well, the classroom management aspects of managing the physical condition of class is 67% implemented well, while classroom management aspects of specialty development program was 25% implemented well, which only the evaluation that has been applied well, while the assessment, planning and implementation of specialty development program were not applied yet. So  it could be concluded that classroom management aspects of managing students and aspects of managing the physical condition of Elementary School Ketintang II/410 Surabaya has been implemented well, while the classroom management aspects of specialty development program was not implemented well. The factors supporting classroom management for students with autism spectrum on the Elementary School Ketintang II / 410 consists of factors: physical environment, socio – emotional conditions and organizational conditions. Further factors inhibiting classroom management also consists of factors: physical environment, socio – emotional condition  and organizational conditions.

Keywords: classroom management, inclusive school

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