Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Audio Visual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Pada Anak Cerebral Palsy Kelas II di SDLB Muhammadiyah Lamongan



Mathematics is one of the areas of study which are essential for human life. Included with the material relating to the measurement of the time clock. Sometimes children still have difficulty in reading and specify the time correctly. It also occurs in normal children, they still often have difficulty in reading a clock with benarn let alone with the children in need special. For it then, children need an education which aims at analyzing the media there is no audio visual media use influence to results of learning math with the material of measurement time.
In this study using a quantitative approach to this type of research with the design of the pre eksperiment one group pre test post test. Data collection methods are used, namely: test method which consists of pre test and post test, as well as the methods of documentation in the form of student data and photos. For the analysis of research data using non parametric statistics analysis techniques with the formula test sign (sign test).
Granting the intervention was carried out with the use of visual media in the form of instructional videos that can be used in children cerebral palsy. The intervention is carried out as many as 5 times, each 45 minutes.
The results of the analysis of activity of pre test and post test and sign test formula (Zh), then the results of ZH (0.9) is smaller than the Z table 5% (1.96)/ZH (0.9) < Ztabel (1.96) it was decided to receive Ho and Ha in Decline, which means "there is no significant influence on the use of audio-visual media on the results of the Study of mathematics in children Cerebral Palsy class II at SLB Muhammadiyah Lamongan."
Keywords: Audio Visual Media, The Result Of Learning Math, Child Cerebral Palsy.

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