
Student in SDN inclusion Babatan V Surabaya has a hyperactive behavior like the move. This study uses a design research experiment with approaches Single Subject (Subject single Research) A - B design with the baseline condition and the intervention condition. Baseline within seven (7) meetings and interventions fourteen (14) meetings, each meeting consisted of three sessions. File collection in this study to calculate the frequency of use of recording events in a way that is provide mark (the tally) on each behavior occurring up to the time period of observation.
Analysis of the data used in the visual analysis techniques and conditions between conditions. Visual analysis of the results of the estimation of the tendency toward the condition of the baseline phase (A) shows the horizontal direction, the intervention phase (B) shows the direction of decline, the level of stability and range of baseline phase (A) 28% showed variable data with a range of 1-2, the intervention phase (B) obtained 85.7% level of stability and range of 8-21. Level change shows no sign (-) which means changes decreased. While the acquisition results in the visual analysis of the changes between konsidi tendency toward baseline phase (A) to the intervention phase (B) is flat to declining, indicating a negative trend changes, the change trend of the phase stability of baseline (A) to the intervention phase (B) is variable to stable. Level changes showed (-) which means decreased, and the percentage of overlap of data shows 0%. Based on the results of visual analysis and visual analysis in conditions between the conditions it can be concluded that the flashcard game can reduce hyperactive behavior often move is done in several stages, namely 1) Before the play activity, the evaluation is done through an assessment to determine the student's ability. 2) The next evaluation is to determine the level of interest and emotional stability of students that shape student behavior can be measured.
Keyword : Hyperactive Behavior, Flashcard Game

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