• Nurul Sholichah Jurusan PGSD FIP UNESA


Abstrak: Salah satu tujuan negara kita dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945 alinea ke empat adalah mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Dalam pembelajaran IPS di sekolah kegiatan pembelajaran lebih dikuasai guru (teacher centered), dan hasil belajar siswa di bawah KKM, ketuntasan belajar hanya mencapai 32,43%. Adapun KKM yang ditetapkan adalah 70. Hal ini karena model pembelajaran yang digunakan belum memusatkan pada aktivitas siswa. Penelitian ini memberi solusi terhadap permasalahan kurang bermaknanya pembelajaran IPS khususnya hasil belajar siswa rendah. Dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) selama proses pembelajaran sehingga aktivitas dan motivasi belajar siswa lebih terarah dan bermakna dan membawa peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) berlangsung selama 3 siklus.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas V di SDN Wonokromo III/392 Surabaya. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru dan siswa serta lembar tes hasil belajar. Pengamatan dilakukan oleh peneliti dan teman sejawat dengan menganalisis data-data hasil pengamatan terhadap aktivitas siswa dan guru serta hasil belajar dengan teknik analisis data kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa mata pelajaran IPS. Hal ini terbukti dengan aktivitas guru yang mencapai 93,06%, aktivitas siswa mencapai 95,83% dan hasil belajar siswa hingga mencapai 97,30%.  Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan bermanfaat bagi siswa, guru, dan sekolah.


Kata Kunci : Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe STAD, Hasil Belajar

Abstract: One of the goals of our country in the opening of constitution 1945th the fourth paragraph was the intellectual life of the nation. In learning social sciences (IPS) at school, learning activities are more controlled by the teacher (teacher centered), and student learning outcomes under the KKM, studied thorough only reached 32,43%. As for KKM set is 70. This is because the learning model used has not been focused on the activity of students. This study gives a solution to the problem is meaningless the learning IPS in particular the results of student learning. By applying cooperative learning model of type Student Team Achievement Division (STAD), during the process of learning, so that students can study motivation and activity more purposeful, meaningful and brings an increase in student learning outcomes. This type of research used in this study was the research action class (PTK) lasts for 3 cycles.  This research was carried out on a grade V in SDN Wonokromo III/392 Surabaya. The instruments used in the study activity sheets, among others, observations of teachers and students as well as sheets of test results of the study. Observations made by researchers and peer review by analyzing data on the results of observation of the activity of students and teachers as well as the results of the study with qualitative data analysis techniques. The results showed that the application of the cooperative learning model type STAD can improve student learning outcomes Social Science subjects. This is evident with the activity of the teacher who reached 93,06%, 95,83% reaching students activities and student learning outcomes to achieve 97,30%.  The results of this research are expected to be of benefit to students, teachers, and schools.

Key words: Cooperative Learning Model type STAD, Learning Outcomes


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