Pengembangan Media Interaktif Berbasis Adobe Flash Dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Eksposisi Pada Siswa Kelas V




Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memaparkaniproses pengembangan dan kualitas media interaktif berbasis adobe flash dalam pembelajaran menulis eksposisi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis desain pre experimental design dan proses pengembangan media interaktif dilakukan dengan tahapan 4D (define, design, develope,and dissement)dari Thiagarajan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen berupa validasi, angket, observasi, dan tes. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain, validasi media interaktif mendapatkan 92,5% dan 90% dengan kategori valid, kepraktisan media interaktif mendapatkan 96,5%, dan efektivitas dari hasil belajar siswa pada uji coba I mendapatkan 7,32 (t hitung) > 2,262 (t tabel), pada uji coba II mendapatkan 12,8 (t hitung) > 2,021 (t tabel) serta tanggapan guru dan siswa mendapatkan 100%.

Kata Kunci: media interaktif, adobe flash, menulis eksposisi


The purpose of this research are to explain the process of development and the quality of media interactive in learning of expository writing that use adobe flash base. The design of this research is pre-experimental, and the process of media interactive development using 4D stages ( define, design, develope, and dissesment) that is from Thiagarajan. For collecting data, researcher uses validation, questionnaire, observation and test that is including in the instrument of this research. Then, the result of this research indicates that the validation of media interactive is found 92.5 %. Besides, 90% includes in valid category, practicability of media interactive is found 96,5% and the effectivness of students learning in the first trial is found 7.32 (t count) > 2.262 (t table). On the other hand, in the second trial is found 12.8 (t count) > 2.021 (t table) and the respond of teacher and students is found 100%.

Keyword: interactive media, adobe flash, write a exposition

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