Pengembangan Media Chatbot Telegram Menggunakan Metode Natural Language Processing Bagi Sekolah Dasar Kelas IV Materi Selalu Berhemat Energi

  • alif fathur rizky arianto Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • suryanti suryanti


Pendidikan menjadi salah satu dari sekian banyak yang terdampak akibat virus Covid-19, hal ini berpengaruh terhadap kegiatan belajar-mengajar terutama di SDN Kalijudan 1/239 yang menerapkan sistem tatap muka menjadi terhambat dan terpaksa Work From Home (WFH). Proses penyampaian materi kepada siswa sulit dilakukan. Oleh karena itu peneliti mengembangkan system pembelajaran yang simpel dan efektif, yaitu berupa media Chatbot Telegram yang diaplikasikan melalui smartphone. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kevalidan, keefektifan, dan kepraktisan media Chatbot menggunakan metode Research & Development (R&D), menerapkan model Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) dengan jenis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Sebelum melakukan penelitian, validasi media & materi kepada ahli harus didahulukan. Peneliti mengambil sampel sebanyak 30 siswa kelas IV SDN Kalijudan 1/239 diuji dengan post-test dan pre-test sebelum dan sesudah media digunakan oleh siswa, kemudian diberikan lembar kuisioner sebagai jawaban atas kepraktisan media. Kevalidan media dan materi masing-masing mendapat presentase sebesar 78% dan 87,5% dengan kriteria “Layak” dan “Sangat Layak”, selanjutnya untuk keefektifan pembelajaran dengan media Chatbot, hasil pre-test dan post-test siswa mendapat presentase ketuntasan belajar masing-masing sebesar 56% dan 86%  dengan selisih nilai rata-rata pre-test dan post-test atau skor N-Gain sebesar 67% dan masuk dalam kriteria “Cukup Efektif”. Untuk mengetahui kepraktisan pada media Chatbot Telegram yang terakhir adalah pemberian angket kepada 30 siswa mengenai media, dari perhitungan yang sudah di lakukan didapatkan presentase sebesar 99%. Mengacu pada semua hasil yang sudah diketahui, maka media Chatbot Telegram untuk pembelajaran IPA materi selalu berhemat energi kelas IV SDN Kalijudan 1/239 sangat layak untuk digunakan.

 Kata Kunci: Telegram, Selalu Berhemat Energi, Chatbot, Pengembangan

Education is one of the many affected by the Covid-19 virus, this affects teaching and learning activities, especially at SDN Kalijudan 1/239 which implements a face-to-face system and is forced to work from home (WFH). The process of delivering material to students is difficult. Therefore, the researchers developed a simple and effective learning system, namely in the form of a Telegram Chatbot media that was applied via a smartphone. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of validity, effectiveness, and practicality of the Chatbot media using the Research & Development (R&D) method, applying the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) model with qualitative and quantitative data types. Before conducting research, validation of media & materials to experts must take precedence. The researcher took a sample of 30 fourth grade students at SDN Kalijudan 1/239 who were tested by post-test and pre-test before and after the students used the media, then they were given a questionnaire sheet as an answer to the practicality of the media. The validity of the media and material each got a percentage of 78% and 87.5% with the criteria of "Fair" and "Very Eligible", then for the effectiveness of learning with Chatbot media, the results of the pre-test and post-test students got the percentage of learning completeness respectively. - 56% and 86% respectively with the difference in the average pre-test and post-test scores or N-Gain scores of 67% and is included in the "Effective Enough" criteria. To find out the practicality of the last Telegram Chatbot media, it is giving a questionnaire to 30 students about the media, from the calculations that have been done the percentage is 99%. Referring to all the known results, the Telegram Chatbot media for science learning material always saves energy for class IV SDN Kalijudan 1/239 very feasible to use.

Keywords: Telegram, Always Saving Energy, Chatbot, Development

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