Pengembangan Aplikasi Edukasi Berbasis Android pada Materi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di Sekolah Dasar

  • Hafib Chaozaini Azhar Universitas Negeri Surabaya


In the 21st century, technology is rapidly developing in human life. As educators, teachers are required to provide learning innovations that take advantage of existing technological developments so that they can indirectly benefit students in the future. Teachers need an efficient innovative media that is able to accommodate learning systems, learning components, and is compatible with students. Students are also expected to be able to actively participate in learning activities so that they can liven up the process of learning activities in class. Therefore, this research is used to develop new application-based learning tools with the aim of providing solutions to educators. This type of research is development research with the ADDIE development model (analysis, design, development, implement, evaluation). This research was conducted at UPT SDN 222 Gresik, Menganti District, Gresik Regency. The research subjects were class IV elementary school with small-scale test stages and large-scale tests in the data collection process. The material presented is the values of Pancasila. The results of the study are: (1) the process of developing an android-based educational application on Pancasila values; (2) the application is stated to be very valid with a percentage value of material validation of 85% and a percentage value of media validation of 90%; (3) the application was declared effective with a percentage of students' learning completeness in small-scale trials of 90% and big-scale trials of 76.67%.

Keywords: learning media, applications, Pancasila values


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