The Development of Contextual Animation Video "Getting to Know Economic with Mumu" for Material On Economic Activities in Elementary School

  • Prima Nanda Wahyu Universitas Negeri Surabaya




Pengembangan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh miskonsepsi yang terjadi pada peserta didik sekolah dasar, hal ini bisa terjadi karena proses berpikir peserta didik SD masih tahap berpikir konkret sedangkan isi belajar mengajar IPS banyak bersifat abstrak. Respon pengembang terhadap hal tersebut yaitu melakukan pengembangan media yang bertujuan sebagai instrument pendukung dalam proses belajar mengajar di ruang kelas. Tujuan yang ingin digapai dalam penelitian ini sebagai berikut (1) untuk merancang pengembangan Video Animasi Berpendekatan Kontekstual untuk materi SD kelas IV tentang kegiatan ekonomi . (2) untuk membuktikan kevalidan Video Animasi Berpendekatan Kontekstual untuk materi SD kelas IV tentang kegiatan ekonomi. (3) untuk membuktikan kepraktisan Video Animasi Berpendekatan Kontekstual untuk materi SD kelas IV tentang kegiatan ekonomi. (4) untuk membuktikan keefekifan Video Animasi Berpendekatan Kontekstual untuk materi SD kelas IV tentang kegiatan ekonomi. Pengembangan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan ADDIE pada siswa kelas IV SDN Pabean II yang berjumlah 26.Melalui validitas Validasi media produk diperoleh hasil 89% dengan kategori baik. Hasil validasi materi diperoleh 80% dan termasuk kategori baik. Hasil N-Gain score menghasilkan 53% sehingga ada perbedaan antara uji awal (pre-test) dan uji akhir (post-test) pada kategori sedang. Oleh karenanya, pengembangan video animasi kontekstual “Mengenal Kegiatan Ekonomi Bersama Mumu” untuk materi kegiatan ekonomi di SD layak digunakan.


Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, animasi, ekonomi.






This development is motivated by misconceptions that occur in elementary school students. This can happen because the thinking process of elementary school students is still at the concrete thinking stage, while much of the content of social studies teaching and learning is abstract. The developer's response to this is to develop media which aims to be a supporting instrument in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The objectives to be achieved in this research are as follows (1) to design the development of an animated video with a contextual approach for fourth grade elementary school material about economic activities. (2) to prove the validity of the Animation Video with a Contextual Approach for grade IV elementary school material about economic activities. (3) to prove the practicality of animated videos with a contextual approach for fourth grade elementary school material about economic activities. (4) to prove the effectiveness of animated videos with a contextual approach for fourth grade elementary school material about economic activities. This development was carried out using ADDIE on 26 class IV students at SDN Pabean II. Through the validity of product media validation, the results were 89% in the good category. The material validation results obtained were 80% and included in the good category. The N-Gain score results were 53% so there was a difference between the initial test (pre-test) and the final test (post-test) in the medium category. Therefore, the development of a contextual animated video "Getting to Know Economic Activities with Mumu" for material on economic activities in elementary schools is suitable for use.



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