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Nazin Nuha Niswah


Abstrak: Nail art merupakan seni melukis dan mempercantik kuku menggunakan pewarna sintesis dan bahan penghias kuku berupa gliter, permata, stiker, dan sebagainya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk 1)Mengetahui hasil jadi newspaper nail art dengan menggunakan kadar alkohol 65%, 2)Mengetahui hasil jadi newspaper nail art dengan menggunakan kadar alkohol 85%, 3)Mengetahui pengaruh kadar alkohol terhadap hasil jadi newspaper nail art. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian true experimental design. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dengan melibatkan 33 observer. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji t-test dengan menggunakan bantuan program SPSS 22. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh data pengaruh kadar alkohol terhadap hasil jadi newspaper nail art yang dilihat dari aspek kerataan, tekstur, kerapian, ketajaman warna dan tingkat kesukaan. Dapat disimpulkan 1)Hasil jadi newspaper nail art dengan menggunakan kadar alkohol 65% mempunyai nilai rata-rata 3,63, dengan rincian aspek kerataan 3,64, tekstur 3,39, kerapian 3,48, ketajaman warna 3,7, dan tingkat kesukaan 3,94. 2)Hasil jadi newspaper nail art dengan menggunakan kadar alkohol 85% mempunyai nilai rata-rata 2,87, dengan rincian aspek kerataan 2,76, tekstur 2,73, kerapian 2,91, ketajaman warna 291, dan tingkat kesukaan 3,06. 3)Terdapat pengaruh penggunaan kadar alkohol terhadap hasil jadi newspaper nail art karena nilai P < 0,05 (5%).

Kata Kunci: Newspaper Nail Art, Kadar Alkohol, Nail Art



Abstract: Nail art is the art of painting and beautifying nails using synthetic dyes and materials to decorate nails in the form of glitter, gems, stickers, and so on. The purpose of this study was to 1) Knowing the results so newspaper nail art by using 65% alcohol content, 2) Knowing the results so newspaper nail art using alcohol content of 85%, 3) Knowing the influence of the alcohol content of the finished product newspaper nail art. This study is the kind of research is true experimental design. Data collection methods used were observation involved 33 observers. Data analysis technique used was t-test using SPSS 22. Results of the study data showed the influence of the alcohol content of the finished product nail art newspaper seen from the aspect of flatness, texture, neatness, sharpness and color preference level. It can be concluded 1) Results so newspaper nail art by using 65% alcohol content had an average value of 3.63, which details aspects of 3.64 flatness, texture 3.39, 3.48 neatness, sharpness of color 3.7, and the level A 3.94. 2) The results so newspaper nail art by using 85% alcohol content has an average value of 2.87, which details aspects of 2.76 flatness, texture 2.73, 2.91 neatness, color sharpness 291, and the preference level of 3.06 , 3) There is the influence of the use of the alcohol content of the finished product nail art newspaper because the value of P <0.05 (5%).

Key Words: Newspaper Nail Art, Alcohol Content, Nail Art

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